Here are some of the articles in my bookmarks , ill be updating this and moving some links to some of other posts
- Ask HN: What to learn as a back end developer
- Computer Science from the Bottom Up
- CSRF, CORS, and HTTP Security Headers Demystified
- Visualizing Algorithms
- Algorithms, by Jeff Erickson
- Big-O Algorithm Complexity Cheat Sheet
- Show HN: I built Grafar, a visualization library
- HTML Tips (2020)
- Show HN: Improve your front end skills by practicing on real design templates
- Can I Email?
- Movies every physics lover should watch (2020)
- The Erasure of Islam from the Poetry of Rumi (2017)
- Coding Best Practices Java Programmers Can Learn from SpringFramework
- Different browsers see different colors
- Privacy – A curated list of services and alternatives that respect privacy
- A Concrete Introduction to Probability (2018)
- Elementary Calculus: An Infinitesimal Approach (2000)
- Want a killer product? Become more opinionated
- Note Taking in 2021
- I wrote a children’s book / illustrated guide to Apache Kafka
- Free Stuff for Developers
- I Open-Sourced All My Business Ideas
- Concepts for JavaScript developers to know
- Things I’ve learned in my 20 years as a software engineer
- Hints and Principles for Computer System Design, Butler Lampson 1983
- Oracle’s Java 11 trap
- Modern Java – A Guide to Java 8
- Java Is Underhyped
- Visualize Python, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, C, and C++ Code Execution
- Why I like Java
- Good java multithreaded opensource projects to join?
- Poster2Plot: Generate Movie/T.V show plot from a poster using Machine Learning
- Two custom React hooks
- Ask HN: Best self-starter resources to learn web design?
- GC progress from JDK 8 to JDK 17
- Show HN: Dfeed – a feed reader you can use without an account
- How to write a simple JIT compiler
- Marketing is scary for a solo developer
- Is a vegan diet healthier than eating meat and dairy?
- Lottie – Use after effects animations in web and native apps
- Fuite: a tool for finding memory leaks in web apps
- Overview of alternative open source front-ends for popular internet platforms
- There’s never been a better time to build websites
- Websocketd – It’s like CGI, twenty years later, for WebSockets
- Statistical Rethinking [video]
- The Modern Guide to OAuth
- Don’t copy-paste commands from webpages – you can get hacked
- What Java Developers Don’t Know About Memory Can Cost Them Money in the Cloud
- Tell HN: My Microstartups make $500/day while I’m sleeping
- Show HN: detect changes in websites and JSON feeds
- A not so gentle intro to web3
- An Algorithm for Passing Programming Interviews (2020)
- Things I Learnt in 2021
- Stop mind from thinking on other things while listening or learning
- Interview preparation tips for Java developers
- Programming languages and frameworks to learn in 2022
- The Price of Discipline
- How Video Streaming Processing Works
- A Complete Guide to Flexbox
- Sciter, the 5 MB Electron alternative, has switched to JavaScript
- Olvid: “the most secure messenger in the world”
- The new destination for Java Developers
- Surviving the desert by building a motorcycle from a broken car? (2017)
- Using Git commit message templates to write better commit messages
- How to Budget: A Personal Budget Guide That Works
- Update: iPhone Camera app did not replace person’s head with a leaf
- Travel is no cure for the mind (2018)
- Real Problems That Web3 Solves, Part 1
- Ask HN: What is the state of Web 3.0? From an engineer to an engineer.
- Introduction to Probability for Data Science
- Vanta.js: Animated 3D backgrounds for websites
- Java Optimization Rules Every Java Developer Need to Know
- 717 Gigapixel Image of Rembrandt’s Nightwatch
- Why I Enjoy PostgreSQL – Infrastructure Engineer’s Perspective
- Memory leaks: the forgotten side of web performance
- How can introverts become comfortable in social situations
- The Internals of PostgreSQL
- JPEG: Image Compression Algorithm (2017)
- Open Salary and Equity Database
- Ask HN: I suck at math, where to start?
- Guidance on Software Development and Open Source Software [pdf]
- Security Engineering Course
- Goodbye, Object Oriented Programming
- Books for Experienced Java Developers
- A collection of things software developers should know
- Free Postgres databases for small projects
- How I built a date picker
- Server-sent events, WebSockets, and HTTP
- A career ending mistake
- Ask HN: Best business advice for software developers
- Jodd – The Unbearable Lightness of Java
- A list of lightweight websites without bloat
- Postgres constraints for newbies
- A gentle introduction to vector databases
- What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory (2007) [pdf]
- How UTF-8 Works
- Advice gathered from people smarter than me
- Get mock interviews now, pay when you find your next job
- Database character sets and collations explained – why utf8 is not UTF-8
- Java Developer’s Guide to SSL Certificates
- Vanced: YouTube adblocker for Android
- How PostgreSQL stores rows
- Eloquent JavaScript
- Interview questions to ask your interviewer
- The State of JavaScript: 2021
- Show HN: SHA-256 explained step-by-step visually
- How a middle aged CS major debunked a classic positive psychology finding (2013)
- Launch HN: Hydra (YC W22) – Query any database via Postgres
- Notes on Nationalism (1945)
- Show HN: Oh-heck, a terminal command for when you forget other terminal commands
- I don’t need a VPS anymore
- How I See Numbers
- Optimizing Postgres text search with trigrams
- Be anonymous
- Why I Like Java (2014)
- Interop 2022: browsers working together to improve the web for developers
- How I learned French in 12 months (2020)
- The hunt for Nigerians who can change into cats
- Linux Sysops Handbook
- Tor Onion Services Directory
- Teclis – Non-commercial web search
- When programming books are wrong
- A free introduction to quantum computing with spaced repetition (2019)
- Ask HN: What is the most unique website you’ve come across on the internet?
- Show HN: I analyzed differences in remote work salaries worldwide
- Show HN: Supernotes 2 – a fast, Markdown notes app for journalling and sharing
- Advanced Programming Languages (2009)
- OBS Plugin: Background Removal
- Radio Garden
- Changing jobs during the Great Resignation
- Running GUI apps within Docker containers
- You Don’t Know GIF – An analysis of a GIF file and some weird GIF features
- Explanation of Bitcoin’s Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
- Pipedream: ‘Swiss Army Knife’ for Hacking Industrial Control Systems
- A case study in early-stage startup execution
- f.lux
- How does database indexing work? (2008)
- My guiding principles after 20 years of programming (2020)
- An overview of version control in programming
- Algorithms and Data Structures – Transition systems (2004) [pdf]
- A NextJS storefront without Shopify
- Tailwind Elements
- Insteon is down and may not be coming back
- Show HN: Visualize SQL Queries
- How Swipe Typing Works
- Alan Kay: What paradigm is the successor to OOP?
- Kaketsugi – A technique for repairing holes or tears in fabric (2021) [video]
- “YouTube-dl” and “Pirate Bay” back on DDG
- Science of Fasting
- Elliptic Curve Cryptography: A Basic Introduction
- Why are some egg yolks so orange?
- Ask HN: What are your favorite examples of elegant software?
- Learn How the Internet Works – Videos for All Ages
- How to write more clearly, think more clearly, and learn complex material [pdf]
- Mechanical Watch
- How to professionally say
- Tabler Icons – Free vector icons for web design
- The Front-End Developer’s Guide to the Terminal
- Ask HN: What email client do you prefer?
- Achieving 5M persistent connections with Project Loom virtual threads
- Migrating from SQLite to PostgreSQL
- Learnings from 5 years of tech startup code audits
- A practical security guide for web developers
- Lessons learned as a software developer turned project manager
- We lost 54k GitHub stars
- Understanding Mathematics: A Study Guide
- Comparing SQLite, DuckDB and Arrow with UN trade data
- Show HN: View the patent and innovation history of any company
- 1.8 TB of Police Helicopter Surveillance Footage Leaks Online
- Fatty acid found in palm oil linked to spread of cancer
- A Death-Aware Career Plan
- Searx – Privacy-respecting metasearch engine
- Higher Math for Beginners (1987)
- Learn RegEx step by step, from zero to advanced
- Show HN: I made a Chrome extension that can automate any website
- Things I learned from building a production database
- Fingerprints can be hacked
- An introverts guide to increasing energy
- The Joy of Cryptography
- Show HN: We built a Rotten Tomatoes-style website for VPNs
- StrongPity variant hides behind Notepad++ installation
- What does a Principal Software Engineer do?
- ClearURLs – automatically remove tracking elements from URLs
- Show HN: Learn Python the Right Way – free introduction to Python book
- More Than 400 Classic Korean Films Free Online Thanks to the Korean Film Archive
- Kaspersky believes it found new CIA malware
- To Remember Everything You Learn, Surrender to This Algorithm (2008)
- We Built Our Own DNS Infrastructure
- 5 must read books to learn Spring Framework - Java
- Planter: Auto-generate Plant UML diagrams from Postgres tables
- Building video chat into my personal website using WebRTC, WebSockets, and Go
- Show HN: Find Subreddits for Your Niche
- Show HN: Free open-source isolated browser for security
- Using PostgreSQL as a Data Warehouse
- QUIC is now RFC 9000
- Software Engineering principles to make teams better
- Ten Rules for Negotiating a Job Offer
- OSSU: Path to a free, self-taught education in computer science
- Types of propaganda, propaganda techniques, and propaganda strategies (2017)
- Functors and Monads for People Who Have Read Too Many “Tutorials”
- Manual for a popular facial recognition tool shows how much the software tracks
- HTML and CSS techniques to reduce your JavaScript
- UUID, serial or identity columns for PostgreSQL auto-generated primary keys?
- Open Source Farming Robot
- Hierarchical Structures in PostgreSQL (2020)
- Ask HN: Favorite live coding channels for intermediate/advanced topics?
- What happens in an IPO? – Part 1
- Why kidney failure led me to found an Health Tech Startup
- Undocumented x86 instructions to control the CPU at the microarchitecture level [pdf]
- Hello IPv6: a minimal tutorial for IPv4 users
- A categorized list of all Java and JVM features since JDK 8 to 16
- Data Structure Visualizations
- An Intern’s Guide to Trading
- Never update anything
- Software Architecture Patterns: 5 minute read
- Music for Programming
- Seeking Enlightenment: Denis Diderot’s Letter on the Blind (1749)
- A high-speed network driver written in C, Rust, Go, C#, Java
- Lesser-known Postgres features
- LuxusMail – Disposable Temporary Email
- How I got wealthy without working too hard
- Colorado ‘solar garden’ is a farm under solar panels
- Yann LeCun’s 2021 Deep Learning Course at CDS free and fully online
- Why SQLite does not use Git (2018)
- A developer’s guide to programatically overcome fear of failure
- Web developer tool secrets that shouldn’t be secrets
- Things to say when you’re losing a technical argument (2001)
- The Modern Java Platform – 2021 Edition
- The world’s oldest family companies: 100 lessons in endurance from 17 countries
- Relational databases aren’t dinosaurs, they’re sharks
- Ask HN: What are some of the best well-written books on computer science?
- A single line of code made a 24-core server slower than a laptop
- How to handle difficult clients
- Postgres is a great pub/sub and job server (2019)
- Ask HN: Looking for a book on algorithms and data structures
- You Shouldn’t Use GraphQL
- Journal of Functional Programming moving to open access
- Writing better by answering why, what, how
- Understanding Mathematics: A Study Guide
- How SHA-256 Works Step-by-Step
- Boot Camp: A Business Saga
- Lessons learned from the recent job hunt
- Demystifying Database Performance for Developers
- A New Definition of HTTP
- What are your most used self-hosted applications?
- Learn how the Internet works
- Ffmpeg Buddy
- Ask HN: How to learn math from zero for adults?
- What is a programmable programming language? (2019)
- 3 things to avoid saying as a Product Manager
- The Web’s Timeline
- Show HN: Copy React code from any site
- Learn the logic of great typography
- Police linked to hacking campaign to frame Indian activists
- Programming in the Apocalypse
- I’m switching from VS Code to VS Codium
- How not to teach recursion (2021)
- A complete guide to creating actually useful courses
- Find a good available .com domain
- Visualizing Algorithms (2014)
- Tor Project – Metrics
- Having, a less understood SQL clause
- Software Engineering: The Soft Parts
- An engineer’s tips for writing documentation devs love
- Why to Start a Startup in a Bad Economy (2008)
- Who is collecting data from your car?
- Show HN: Truss – Serve any ML model without boilerplate code
- Clojure Web Development Evolved [video]
- Creating an Intranet Like the Internet